Celebrity Cinnamon Bun Masterclass


It's a secret weapon.

It's the thing you can make with confidence, anytime you want, knowing that it will always turn out.
It is never having to frantically scroll the interweb abyss for something special enough for a bake sale or party, praying to the baking gods that whatever you find won't be a flop and simultaneously trying to block the memory of the failed Jelly Salad of 2017 incident.

And it is never having to subject yourself to the pain of dipping into your Pinterest Folder of Broken Dreams for that one recipe you pinned four years ago during a Netflix binge that ForSureWillKnockEveryone'sSocksOffExceptWhereTheHeckDoIGetMarzipanAndInWhatCityBecauseIt'sCurrently2:00amHere

You've Got This!

I created this masterclass to help you make fab cinnamon buns.

These are always a hit, but apparently can be difficult to replicate. I've kind of gotten the hang of it over the last fifteen years- let me guide you through the process so you win every time.

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Don't miss out on this gift for yourself. Enter your info and get access to this secret weapon.

    You'll also get to be on my email list to stay in the loop. No worries, if you're not feelin' my vibe you can unsubscribe any time :-)

    Angela Morrison

    Authenticity Ambassador

    Who am I?

    Hi, I'm Angela

    (and I'm not a super duper baker)

    I'm a vintage-loving DIY kind of gal with a creative streak, letting my 'you' shine through; teaching and sharing what I've learned so that you can shine too. I believe we're all unique people who deserve to live a life that's truly authentic!

    What will you learn?

    • All the steps from start to finish to bake incredible cinnamon buns
    • Tips and tricks from fifteen years of experience
    • Not to take yourself too seriously, and that the most important thing you can ever do is to be yourself :-)