
Transform yourself from merely existing to authentically expressing.

Hi, i'm Angela 👋


I'm just a gal who realized I don't like doing things the same as everyone else, and that's okay!




I tweak home decor & fashion to reflect my personality because I've learned it's the secret to a life of joy.



No need to hide your personality because you don't know how to DIY, or worse; because you're afraid of people thinking you're a weirdo.




I can help!




I can show you what's possible once you see things differently. Take what I teach and make it your own.




Have fun curating your stuff and watch how your whole life lights up.




There is only one you.


Seems obvious, right?


But if you pause to examine your life you may realize that you're just going through the motions. Doing what everyone else is doing, sludging through the day - each the same as the last - without any of your own personality to make it memorable.


Your life is too important not to live it on purpose, with intention, putting your stamp on it. It's those things that make your life your own.


With simple DIY you can put your own spin on everything to create a truly authentic life experience - skyrocketing your joy and reigniting your purpose.


Let me help you discover what lights you up and share ways to showcase your unique style.


Get the free guide to start your journey - 5 Easy Ways to Help Your You Shine Through. It's short, bright, and hopefully inspirational enough to poke you into action. GO! The clock of life doesn't pause 🙃




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    Being in your inbox is a privilege I don't take lightly. You can unsubscribe anytime (no hurt feelings, I promise) and know that you're welcome back any time 🤗